about me

Photo: Ivonne Mönch
Photo: Ivonne Mönch


I am Martina. I am a mind-body coach, a pharmacist, a journalist, a photographer and have a doctor in human biology.


I have recovered after almost 15 years with ME/CFS, POTS, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia type pain, food intolerances, chronic sinusitis, complex PTSD and more. I am mostly healthy again!

I got the idea to do a blog. To spread hope. To inspire people to take control of their lives. To question it. And to show possible strategies how to overcome such syndromes. Of course, the blog should be called: "I will get well", just like my motto. I was lucky, the address was still free.

In the meantime, I offer to accompany people as a mind-body coach and created an online self-help program: the Mind-Body Balance Program (German).

If only one sentence on this page helps one person, the whole effort was worth it for me!

Yours Martina


me elsewhere

Podcast, Superhelden ohne Cape, 2024 (German):



Living with ME/CFS, 2023:



Fasynation, 2022 (German):



Eine ME/CFS-Genesung, Community-Ecke, 2022 (German):



Contact Me

I look forward to your message!

Please note: I can not advise you in detail here. The content on this page is for informational purposes and does not replace the conversation with a doctor or other therapist.

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