Pacing: This is what helped me


Dr. Martina Melzer, published: 04/28/2022


Pacing means something like: Know your energy limit and - if possible - don't exceed it too often. For people with ME/CFS and Long Covid, this is so important to avoid an energy crash.

In the video, I explain how I've been able to incorporate pacing into my daily life to stop the constant deterioration of my condition.

The video is in German! To watch it in English, please activate the subtitles via the settings button in the video. Then choose your language.




Key points from the video:

  • Determine status quo with activity logs and a fitness tracker to find out what takes the most energy - physically, mentally, emotionally.
  • Plan: divide up strenuous and less strenuous activities, throughout the day and week, schedule fixed breaks.
  • Prioritize: Ask yourself questions like "what is most important today?", "what can wait?", "do I have to do it now?", "do I have to do it all at once?", make a priority list and also write down there the things that are important for your recovery.
  • Accept help: Jump over your shadow and ask people for help. "Can you go shopping for me?", "Can you clean?", "Can you drive me to the doctor?". Take more time for your recovery.


Blog-Post: "ME/CFS: Pacing 2.0 - mistakes and tips after 3 years"


Important: The statements in this text are the result of my research from scientific studies, professional articles, books, courses, education and training as well as my own recovery process. I have done the best possible research, but nevertheless make no claim to accuracy. In science, something is considered a hypothesis until it is clearly proven (or disproven). That is then evidence, a fact. The statements in this text are a combination of hypotheses and facts.

Also, the content on this page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for talking to your doctor or other therapist. Please talk to your doctor or therapist before making any decisions about your physical or mental health. Every way into a mind-body syndrome is something individual, and every way out.